Monday, October 11, 2010

Saying what i mean, meaning what i say

It seems that as humans, we often think others should be able to read our minds…. by asking, we are reducing the need for others to do that.
i see this blog as my message board, only trouble is He never answers, i know it’s silly of me but i find that there are some questions still that i cannot outright ask.E.G i find it extremely difficult to ask if i might pleasure myself, even to go without rather than ask. Things like that, i turn into a giggly little school girl, in my 50's. How stupid is that. And yet still, i have always had to ask to orgasm and never really had a problem with that, maybe being out of myself usually assisted me in that quest, Post it notes would solve my problem but i don’t think He’d approve and there’s no privacy here and I’ve never been great at direct asking, i always beat around the bush for days so that gets me nowhere fast, being way to ambiguous so my request goes unanswered as its likely it was never asked in the first place , hidden amongst a load of twaddle or waffle
Learning to be direct is something i need to work on, saying what i mean, meaning what i say, and maybe I’ll get it ...i certainly never will if i don’t ask.

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