Friday, February 11, 2005

Caution to the wind

Following on from yesterdays entry, i find i have a need to send out the warning, yet again and keep saying it until it sinks in. This is not me being bossy or taking a high hand here but rather i hope, try to make some of you think and then think some more.

It has yet again come to our attention that the net is not all it might seem to be. The times we try to instill in people the need for caution when meeting someone from the internet. The tried and tested rules of safe meetings, the Do's and Dont's and yet still, for some reason, people throw caution to the wind and land themselves in situations that just scream "Danger"

It is so easy to get sucked in, it is so easy to believe because you want to believe and before you know it, you end up in ER or some other emergency room somewhere around the world, No one is exempt, no one is truly safe so please, follow the guidelines, take care of yourself, no one else will.
Below is a list of the sort of information you should consider finding out about the person you are going to meet.

  • Name (real name) of the person you are meeting
  • Home Address (Has this been confirmed in any way)
  • Work address (Has this been confirmed)
  • Home phone/Mobile Phone
  • Have you got their photograph
  • Car Make, Colour and Registration Number
  • Their e-mail address
  • The chatname and room you know them from
  • Your Meeting Arrangements (Date of the Meeting/Time/Place)
  • Will you only be there?
  • Will you go anywhere else?
  • Do you know the area?
  • How are you traveling there?
  • How are you traveling home?
  • What time do you expect to be home?
  • Do you know the location and number of the local police station.
  • Have you agreed any special arrangements with the person you are meeting?
  • Who have you told about these arrangements.

Use the safecall system however it works for you, find out about who you are thinking of meeting.

Here are 10 rules to follow.

1. Have their real name, address, phone number and place of employment. Tell the person you are meeting that you have arranged a Safecall. Do NOT tell them what arrangements you have made, just that you have ensured your safety. Again it is worth stressing that if they are genuine they will be happy to hear this. Also tell them that you have passed their details to a third party who is going to act as your Safecall. Remember they may also do the same.

2. Let someone you know and trust know what you are doing. Give them the information about the person you are going to meet. Set up your Safecall for a specific time. The Safecall can work in two ways. Either you can phone your Safecall or they can phone you (or both). After you have made the call set up another call for a later time. (Have a code word so if you need help you'll have it).

3. Make sure that your Safecall Designate has your itinerary. Do NOT change your plans at all.

4. Meet in a public place where there will be plenty of people around if you should require assistance, whatever you do, do not take them back to your home however secure you think you might be.If people are intent on preying on the unsuspecting, this is just the course of action they are hoping for.

5. After you meet take time to talk and get comfortable with this person. If you can't get comfortable this may not be a good situation. Question yourself. Do I feel comfortable? Do I wish to continue? If not stop it there and leave.

6. Don't use alcohol or drugs, this is a time you may need a clear head to think quickly.

7. If the situation gets out of hand find a reason to leave, or a way out. Don't stay thinking it will only get better. Chances are it won't

8. When you do leave make sure you are not followed. If you feel that you are being followed then go to the nearest Police Station. Alternatively stay in a busy public place and call the police.

9. Remember it is easier to walk away before a situation gets out of hand.

10. Only accept what you have negotiated for the first meeting. Frankly, first meetings should only be a "getting to know you" situation.

Remember that a Safecall is not a requirement of a first meeting only. Your safety is always important so Safecalls ought to be used for at least three or more meetings. As you feel more comfortable by all means relax the way they operate. Two or three meetings down the line and simply a call to say you are there, and all is ok will suffice, but don't assume that because the first meeting was wonderful the second will be too.
Your safety should be first and foremost. You should never take it for granted. If you do you may be the next one beaten, abused or even worse, dead. These are strong words but if the other person is serious about you they will understand. Most people that you meet are good decent people. Never take safety lightly. This is not a reason for fear but a time to think and follow through.

Always remember: You only get one chance at life.

Please people, take care, take time and wait if things are not exactly as you think they should be, don't let your needs or desires make you stop thinking about the very basic rules of life and survival.
For more information on safecalls and how to arrange meetings, please view the
Safecall site of D/s seekers

"Ensure Your own safety, no one else will "

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