Friday, February 04, 2005

Funny old world

Funny, don't you think , how moods can change so dramatically from one day/week, to the next.
i imagine that if one allows oneself to remain in a pit of black goo and not make any attempt to get out of it, you could stay there indefinitely, but nah.... thats not for me and as has been said to me often of late, life is too short to be unhappy/miserable etc, so best get up and ever onwards, no point in staying in the same old place day after day.

Having said that, how come the mood i have been in has lifted and i can see clearer now. Nothing worth writing home about has happened other than just me, sitting down and acknowledging that it is no good brooding on what i feel i don't have, and making the best of what i do. Ohhhhh been in this same place a few times before i know and each time i have to dragged myself right back here, kicking and screaming and see my world for what it is and be happy with what i am/have etc because to be honest folks, this slave has it made to all intense and purpose.
i go without very little, i have a Master who adores me, and i, him in return, i have two well balanced, happy, secure kids who give me little cause to worry about them, i have a roof, warmth, food on the table, a life in fact that many would be only to happy to swop with me... so once again, its time to stop with the moping and be happy with my life and stop complaining about what i don't have/get. ( very little in fact)

i suppose if i were to analyze what it is i feel i am lacking, if i had to put it into one word, it would be, time... time to do what it is i wish to do, with who i wish to do it with, time to be who i am, without restrictions of daily life and the never ending daily struggle of just trying to get along. Time to enjoy the fruits of all the hard work MG does to provide a better way of life for us all but like so many things, its just not always possible to have what we want, when we want it.

Time to be with MG more than i can be at present and time to be the slave i wish to be without having to worry about mundane life chores...thats my greatest wish, the desire i have at present and if it were at all possible, i am sure it is where we would be...but

oh well, i have to live the life i am dealt and a very happy one it is, in the i go...always looking forward for the next idea, the next pleasure, the next moment that thrills me to the very core and takes me on a trip that no-one else has ever experienced, for my dreams are mine and will always be and i travel my path with my Master and kids and that in itself is my greatest joy.

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