Thursday, March 24, 2005

Who's Fault

i should call them players and wannabe's maybe, those who have made the conscious choice to play games, who have chosen to be something they are truly not to achieve their own ends.
Lying, cheating their way into peoples lives with only their own pleasures in their minds. They don't care who their use and abuse as long as they get what it is they are looking for, at whatever cost. And believe me, there are quite a few out there. They come online, come into chat rooms and play their sick little games and take people in without a second thought of how they can so easily hurt people.

Amazingly, there are those who actually believe that when you set out with the soul intention of using people that it is just a game and no one really gets hurt, that the person the other end of some chat screen is playing the same game and therefore couldn't possibly take anything that is said..Seriously.

But, its not their fault of course, they are not really coming into D/s with any serious intent, be they Dominant or submissive... if we accept that in fact, they have just stumbled across a D/s chat room and think its a good place to get a bit of kink for a while.

Catch them out at their little game tho and wait for the excuses

  • "It's not my fault, i has circumstances that mitigate my behavior. Sure, I pretended to be a man online, collared unsuspecting women and wore the collar of a man at the same time. I ridiculed those I lied to. I continued to lie. I cheated. I conned. I manipulated. I stole money. I turned on people who met and trusted me. I blamed everyone else for all the bad things that have ever happened to me in my entire life. But I am not dishonest! You see, it's not my fault!"


  • "It's my parents fault for not giving me a good upbringing.""
  • It's the fault of the school system for not giving me a good education."
  • "It's society's fault for not taking care of me."
  • "It's my husband's fault for not being what I wanted him to be."
  • "It's my husband's fault because he beat me."
  • "It's my employer's fault for not recognizing my talents."
  • "It's my children's fault for being born."
  • "It's the fault of fate."
  • "It's the fault of my incestuous father/brother/uncle, etc."
  • "It's God's fault."
  • "It's my Master's fault."
  • "It's all just a game, anyway."

It's everyone's fault, except the one who chose to lie, cheat and steal. So when do "we" become responsible?

i believes the answer is: From the moment we are born to our last dying breath. The concepts of right/wrong, good /evil, honest/corrupt are not just words. They are representations of the paths on which we choose to travel. The paths that tell the world what kind of people we are.
So when you choose to walk a path of dishonesty, it would seem a bit stupid to cry out, "I am, in real life, an honest person! This is just not my fault!"

Doesn't it???

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