Thursday, May 10, 2007

opps boo-boobed

well, there was i so righteous and i do just what i accused others of doing. Making a decision for myself because it suited at the time, making me no better. damn. however i did own up to my error, Master was not best pleased.and i did realise albeit rather late that i had erred. I l feel as if I'd let MG down and disappointed him yet again. no excuses and whats worse was that my error in fact was to alter something MG had put in place. i could have waited and asked for Him to make the alteration, time was not a factor. i really have no excuse. just didn't think it through. let both myself and MG down.Slaves are not permitted to just assume it is OK but that's just what i did, i assumed, silly girl not much else to add.. failure, one day, maybe ill get this Master/slave thing

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