Sunday, November 13, 2005

One step at a time.

I’ve felt guilty for not writing this blog as often as i have wanted to in the last few weeks. Thinking about why this happens sometimes, i can of course blame it on being occupied with various things, but really i think it comes down to expecting too much of myself. i have tried to learn about writing and web design and making cards and websets, and i have a number of goals in these fields that i am still far from attaining. i have a pretty clear idea of what i like, but i often feel that i am not in the right mood...too tired, too sick, too busy, or whatever... to lives up to my own standards let alone any one elses.

But the real mistake here is to let that stop me from trying that would be a retrograde step indeed... even with just a few words or a bit of designing at a time.

i need to remember, that real progress comes about mainly through the little steps we take on the path towards our goals. The steps that count most are the ones that no one congratulates us for, when we tripped up a little or even just accomplished some small success. Countless little steps cover far more distances than great marathons ever will.

Whatever it is that may be taking place in my life or in the world around me, there is invariably something beautiful there waiting to be discovered… but the approach to that beauty requires humble steps, patient walking, and a steadfast resolution not to let expectations get in the way.

i know i can do this, i just have to keep trying...


Anonymous said...

way to go!!! just keep trying! love the post as always. hope all is well. wishing you two the best as always,

Anonymous said...

Another thought provoking post cleo. I agree it takes many small steps to climb a mountain. Mostly though, psycologically - its the first step, that is the most difficult, not the last, especially when embarking on a new venture or into unchartered territory. Most of us fail when faced with stepping out into the darkness, its outside our comfort zone and its so easy to follow that familar track and pass the crossroad with blinkers firmly attached. This isn't always a bad thing though, it can be comforting. It just depends what each individual wants and needs from life.
