Sunday, November 14, 2004

Parting is such sweet Sorrow

Having spent three absolutely lovely lazy days with MG, the pain of parting is even more intense , i long for his company, his closeness, to hold and be held, i am lost and alone and Good old Will Shakespeare and his quote "Parting is such sweet Sorrow" knew what he was talking about with the exception of the sweet bit, because there is nothing sweet about how i am feeling this evening as MG is once again, miles away at the beginning of a long 5 night shift and i miss him so much. My heart breaks.
i have been re-reading my own blogs over the last couple of days and it seems to me that life at present isn't, as either MG or i would wish it, these separations pain us both and if there was any way we could find to not have to be apart, trust me dear readers, we would have found it by now. But my point here is that as much as i desire to be with MG, whatever job he may do is going to take him away at some point and as we are not in any position for him not to have to work, nor can we find or think of anything we could do together i suppose we had both better get use to these separations and make the most of the times that we do have.
i could of course wallow in all this depression, let it take over but lets be honest, what purpose would that serve really, other than to send me into some fits of blackness and misery so i am not going to let that happen, its a matter of standing strong and getting on with life for the next few days, seeing that things get done and kids are looked after and wait, wait for the next few days together.
Love hurts, in our case as i am sure it does in others who are in the same situation as we are. That makes me chuckle a little bit because the tattoo MG has placed on my body is of Chinese characters which translated mean just that "Love Hurts", altho his intention when choosing the mark wasn't quite this kind of hurt but rather the pain that is inflicted on me, by my Master, from within our M/s relationship and very proud i am to carry MG's mark on me. The decision to do that took us some 2.5 years as it wasn't something we felt the need to rush into and we were also very aware that until the time was right for us both, for me to have a permanent mark wasn't something that should be rushed into.The implications behind tattooing or branding a slave is not something that, imho, should be rushed into and even when the decision is made to go down that road, much thought and care as to what mark is going to be and where it is to be placed really should be a joint decision and one that each are totally happy and comfortable with. There is no going back and that's the whole point to this blog... there is no going back, we are here and the only place left for us to go is forward..together, Master and slave always, till the end of time. The chances are of course that some of that time we are going to be apart by the forces of normal every day life , its never going to be easy but it is yet again one of those things that we have no control over so i guess its something we have to work around and get use to.
Doesnt stop it hurting tho....and most probably, never will.

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