Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blah Blah

i'm happy. i really am. And it's a strange sensation,i still second-guess myself when i say something stupid; automatically assuming He's going to knock me down a notch for it. Instead, he tends to laugh and say something equally ridiculous or extremely smart. Or he just leans over and kisses me. Tells me He loves me.

The dynamic between us is something unique. i am so exceedingly comfortable being me, however i am which doesn't for a moment compromise how wanted i feel. In fact, i feel more consistently wanted and worthwhile than i have in my entire life, even though i am probably less , useful, skin deep beautiful, fit blah blah and so on and so forth, it matters not for the person who is the essence of me is loved, wanted, needed, and that makes all the blah, irrelevant.

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