am i real? i read a few blogs and generally when i do, i take them at face value. i believe that what i am reading is a fairly accurate account of what happened in someones life, simply because what i am reading is a blog and not erotic fiction. While i understand that even the best of us exercise a touch of poetic license on occasion to improve on our literary leavings, i cling to my belief that a blog is a glimpse into a real and not imaginary life.i used to get quite upset when i read about someone who is 'better' than me by taking a more solid beating or by being more slavery in some way. For some reason, the competitive streak in me always wants to feel that i'm much more a slave than anyone else. Of course, that's not true in any way shape or form and i am working on stopping the 'comparison cycle', but i still do feel jealous.It has often dawned on me to think that what i was reading might not be real- that it might just be someones little fantasy played out on the pages of a blog. It had also never dawned on me to be anything less than brutally honest about my life here, so i assumed that everyone else was the same. It kind of feels wrong to pass something off as real that is not.Now, i'll be the first to admit that i don't post pictures that show fat bulges. i also don't go into great lengths about the just how much i might suck as a slave , but i also don't parade around as 'Miss Slavery 2007/8'. i try to keep things in balance and show an overall view of the realities of D/s in my life. Although i try to keep the realities of my vanilla life to a minimum in this blog it doesn't mean that they don't exist and it certainly doesn't mean that i clean the house in a maid's outfit and stilettos or spend twenty two hours a day on my knees. I have a life and D/s is but a part of it.
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