Monday, April 07, 2008

what do i do all day

People get trapped by the words Master/slave, or total power exchange. This never ceases to amaze me, though i suppose i should be used to it by now. Some seem to think that being a slave their duties are clearly spelled out (micro-managed) by the dominant and they end there. This is not true. Part of being a successful slave is having the desire to please Master. This means in both the ways He orders you to and in ways that you simply notice He enjoys and then doing those things for Him even though He did not ask you to. Master like this initiative taking in His slave i think. It shows that slave truly is interested in pleasing Him before herself.
Mostly my day is like most other people who are stay at home mums with teenage daughters. Lots of time is taken up with housework, straightening out, prepaing meals and all that stuff. So all of that is included.For me however, the mental knowledge . No certainty, is that everything i do is to please Master often make a difficult day a little easier. i try to remember that i am supposed to be pleasing Him.To watch me go about my daily routine you would have no idea that i was owned. The power exchange is subtle and quiet. It can get loud if the situation warrants it, but most of the time it is simply this very quiet knowledge within myself that i belong to Master and that everything i do either must please him or have a really good excuse for not pleasing him.i do the same things everyone else does in real life. i shop, cook, clean, and do what my Master tells me to do. If i fail, i expect punishment. That's about it for what i do all day

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