Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Cotton Wool

i thought i needed cotton wooling today, i wanted to be cuddled and held softly, wrapped up gently in His arms, held close and to hear sweet soft words of encouragement, i felt i needed this to soothe the aches i thought i had, the pain of missing my Master, the feelings of being alone a lot, just in general, i have had a down day and just wanted to be lifted.... but...

When Master and i talked later in the day, after he had managed to get all of 4 hours sleep before the next shift had to be thought about, when i saw, not for the first time either, just how much He already put into our lives, how much He give and keeps giving, it made my think just how selfish i was being.

my Master just keep giving of Himself more and more, He goes out day after day, to a job He obviously hate, that takes so much out of Him physically, never really complaining much, just keeps giving of Himself, just gets on with it and there is me, whinging and whining about such silly mundane things. Made me stop and think....

Master... i love you more than i can ever express, i worry more than i can say as well, about you and how much all this takes from you and i again feel that i don't give enough to make things easier on your, rather the opposite, in asking for more from you when what i should be doing is giving, not taking.. makes me feel pretty crappy about myself Sir.

But having thought these thoughts, i shall try to take some action to make some differences, cant promise Sir but at least i have acknowledged this, that's a start..

Love you with all my heart my Master..

Your slave, cleo

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