Sunday, September 26, 2004

Time Flies

Time flies, so so quickly and before we know it, the weekend is over and its back to the grind and another 5 day shift. Neither of us want it to be like this but as the last few hours creep up on us we seem to try our hardest not to let the other see just how hard it is.
i have my chores to do to see that Master is all set for the next shift , making sure He have everything He might need, these are the little things i can contribute that makes it all a bit easier on Him, no need for Him to worry about the incidentials.
So, how did the weekend go..well...if we are honest, its a bit like a kid in a sweet shop, we want it all and we try to fit so much in that by the end of day 2 of 3, we are both totally knackered and cant think, let alone do, those things we promised ourselves we would.
There has to be down time of course, there has to be the chance for Master to relax and regain the energy for the next shift so although we did have some time to experience our M/s we also had to make time, in a very short space, for all the other things that need doing as well as taking the time just to be together.
A lot of Master and slave interaction, a lot of play (which i have no intention of going into details because altho this log is public, our private and sex life isnt and wont ever be, that is not the intention of these entries), a lot of just being together, quiet time, watching T.V, laying in bed late in the morning, normal every day vanilla things because i have to say here that 24/7 can never be, 24/7, there has to be time and space to be just "us".
i am going to quote here from a very good article written by Rover«» who is a great exponant of the lifestyle because i think what he has to say on this subject is so true..
The Three Phases Of A Dominant

I see three major categories, or phases, of Dominant behavior. Identifying the three phases can be beneficial for a Dominant in determining what role is currently being filled, and to more easily slip into other roles as needed. As for submissives, knowing the phase a Dominant is currently in makes you more capable of knowing what behavior is expected of you, and to follow him seamlessly through those roles. Additionally, you may learn methods of
helping your Dominant go from phase to phase, or role to role, in order to meet your needs at any particular moment. No, that’s not topping from the bottom, or manipulation. Needs are needs, and learning methods of
communicating them to your Dominant is always healthy.

The three phases I see are as follows:

1. The Man/Woman: A Dominant just being themselves. Reading the paper, watching tv, playing board games, laughing, joking, living life. Dominants need to be comfortable just being themselves. Being yourself fulfills a submissive’s needs for Friend, Spouse, Partner, Lover, Parent, and so many other qualities often associated with being “vanilla”. Being comfortable being yourself makes you, you. It is stressless. For both of you.
2. Sir/Ma’am: In this phase the Dominant is Teacher, Guide, Decision Maker, and many of the other roles that require a clearer distinction between the Dominant and submissive roles, and the influence of authority.
3. Master/Mistress: The firm phase. The Disciplinarian and the phase most commonly associated with scening and sexual pleasures. This is also the stereotypical phase that is often portrayed by the media and society, and the phase that many Dominants feel is expected of them 24/7. It's easy to fall into this phase, and feel trapped in it.

My personal experience is that I spend most of my time as just plain ole me. The Man. Perhaps as much as 65 % of my time. Next in terms of frequency is Sir. I may spend 25 % of my time in this phase. And interestingly enough, I spend the least amount of time as Master. And although that is the phase most commonly associated with being a Dominant, I estimate that I spend but 10 % of my time in this phase.

i am going to leave this here today because i really am not feeling like poring my heart out here, i miss you already my Master roll on the next weekend.

1 comment:

Jason said...


jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity