Sunday, May 25, 2008


If only i could stop my thoughts from wandering off to some of the darker caverns and crevices of my mind you would be taking in a reasonably (!)Coherent entry that would shed a little more light on our dynamics but my bottom needs attention, and im off focus on anything but my butt.
Each time Master hits me it feel like a kiss.
Oh I need kisses.
Instead, you get nothing. It's not that i don't want to write, i really, really do, i just can't think straight enough to come up with something comprehensible. All I'm able to think of are pain and playing--lots of of both please! Preferably so much that i cannot (and no longer want to) remember my own name.Combined with the obligations of daily life a lack of intense contact always makes me insanely needy and, well, horny.
I’m begging please Sir.

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