Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Not even REMOTELY D/s.

My thoughts have been dwelling a lot lately on where we are now, where we've come from, and how we got here. It's such a wonderful thing to think about..

Basically, while our relationship is still very much a M/s relationship, the outward expression of M/s is not as necessary as it was in the very beginning.

Shocking, i know.

But that is what has happens we have settled into relationships. After many years (8+)...the fact is that we don't need to outwardly express what we are, simply because by living within the parameters set into place within the relationship,the control/submission is expressed daily, habitually, via the framework that Master built and set into place. Few people would ever know they were there unless they looked very hard to find them.

Probably 90% of our relationship will look "vanilla" because it IS "vanilla" in that there are hardly any outward expressions of M/s visible. We can relate as equals and you know what? It doesn't destroy what we have.

The only way we have been able to get to this point is because we liked each other as PEOPLE from the very beginning. We appeal to each other intellectually, emotionally, and in general. Yes, we do relate to each other in ways that aren't strictly D/s, or not even REMOTELY D/s.

i AM his slave and i always will be. The dynamic is there, it is strong and pure and very real. He controls what he wishes to control in my life, that, to me, is what being slave is all about.

i live my life, period. He can't live it for me, nor would he want to. He has his own life to live, and guess what?. Respecting each other as people, as a man and as a woman, as a friend, as a lover, as mature adults....that is the first cornerstone of any successful relationship, whether D/s or not.

Just because i am slave does not mean that i become useless as a human being for anything other than my Master's whim of the moment. Just because He is a Master does not mean that he becomes useless as a human being for anything other than exerting control over his slave.

D/s is so deeply and firmly embedded in our relationship, in how we live and who we are, that we just don't even really think about it anymore. We make no effort to .... i don't know, to specifically express D/s simply because we are a D/s couple, if that makes sense. It is there, believe me, and expressed in some very wonderful, special, meaningful ways...but never expressed to...prove something, i think is how i need to word it. We have nothing to prove to anyone about anything. We have already proven ourselves to each other, in the ways that count, and there is no need for it anymore.

It's just who we are>

1 comment:

sunshinekittan said...

my Master and i have recently been discussing a life like this. We have been considering how i need to grow and how we need to develop our relationship together to be able to have the wonderful peace that you know- how to strengthen and build that foundation- and every day it surprises and amazes me to see what a truly strong relationship can do.
You are an inspiration to me on many days, both good days and hard days. The article on your website about 'subdrop' helped my Master to realize and recognize it when i was experiencing it for the first time. Truly, your work and, more importantly, your strength in sharing this with the world has made a difference in my life, and i hope very much to be able to share someday with others the way you have shared with us.
-kitti, slave of MD