Monday, October 18, 2010

Vice Versa

Even here, in this blog, when i have been going through my "silly" spells, i have tried hard to give an accurate picture of what it is like to be slave to a Master. i have always tried to put the good with the bad in my blog.
i am not the sort of slave who has a need to write up about every sexual experience Master and i take part in, our bedroom is just that ours. Beside there are literally hundreds of those kind of blogs around, mine doesn’t need to be fantasy of being tied, beaten etc, i don’t have a need to tell my readers if Master has clamped my nipples for 15 minutes or not or if he requires me to use any one of our dozen of toys in a certain manner. Those things are private. The mentality between a Master and slave is more interesting i believe. Thing are far far easier said than actually done ive found.
Master needs for me to be what i need to be, nothing but His, mind and body, with special attention to mind. Of course He values my body but mental Domination is as powerful, my mind, my thoughts, and my opinions - i am not a robot, or a "mindless blob". But at the core, i am totally His....not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. This is so deeply fulfilling i can't even begin to explain it. This is what a real D/s relationship is, not only “whips and chains”.

Total commitment on both sides, to fulfil the role as defined ...... to the deepest extent we are able to do so. For me to be as mentally submissive as He is mentally Dominant. And vice versa, it will always and has always been a two way street, a give and take, i forget that some times.

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